A day in the life of a daydreamer

“Once upon a time, a young girl lost her sense. Her perception, distorted, she saw the walls of her mind come crashing down… she faced reality for the first time…”

Growing up is probably one of the most testing experiences in life. A natural process, of course, but one of the hardest and in many respects, traumatic experiences we have to face. Vernon Law, an American former baseball player, has been credited worldly for one of the greatest sayings of our time, “Experience is the hardest teacher because she gives you the test first, the lesson afterwards.” 

This process seems to be a chore. Hormones flying everywhere! Physically, emotionally and mentally changing… a rollercoaster seems too soft of a word for this tornado. However, if we take look at this changing affect we all go through, we can say that in the end, it was worthwhile.

Statistically, people only reach adult maturity at the age of 25… Thank God because at 22, I still feel like I’m still stuck at 16…

As a child, life seemed so mystical. I could be whomever I wanted and do whatever I felt like doing without the burden of any risk… emerging from this bliss made it feel like I was living in a world of fog.

Now, like most people, reality has started to show its’ real face. People are not who you expected them to be, life is not as bright as it was “meant” and this Mr or Mrs Right does not seem to be perfect. Overall, life seems a bit… bland.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

That is why, the greatest bit of advice I can give anyone, is to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULL.

And by this, I mean to enjoy the little things… like spending time with the people that put the biggest smiles on your face.

Find pleasure in being alone… now, I’m not talking about solitary living that stems off into depression but loving yourself enough that you don’t mind the silence that comes along with it.

Finally, be true to yourself. Love yourself for who you are because at the end of the day… “If you can’t love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love somebody else?!! Can I get an Amen!”, RuPaul, drag queen. 

An enlightening ancient Indian proverb states, “We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.” Now, let it sink in. Below, Jada Pinkett-Smith gives an insightful explanation on the importance of taking care of you first and foremost to her daughter Willow Smith. I love this video as it shows how much the younger generation need to acknowledge the advice of the older that ties harmonically in with the Indian proverb above. Please watch for more information on self-care.

We all daydream but growing up does not permit us to live in a fantasy any longer. When the bubble pops, whether you are prepared for it or not, it pops and reality shows its’ true colours.

But on a positive, everyone experiences this change and we are all here, as brothers and sisters, on this journey together.

If any of you have stories to share, please comment and feedback as I would love to hear your experiences too.


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