Set mind.

A problem we have faced at one time or another is controlling our mental activity.

The brain is a natural, beautiful phenomenon – an organ that allows us to imagine the unimaginable. In the words of Lewis Carroll, we can imagine ‘six impossible things before breakfast.’ Now, just imagine the intensity of this power! If we, on average, are able to produce 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day, according to the philosopher and neuroscientist Dr. Deepak Chopra… well… this information in itself is mind blowing!

Considering the idea that we are all born blank slates, we must realise that our mind is our own superhuman force… and it’s lying right in-between our eyes.

However, the unfortunate can occur when our superpower is damaged by it’s very own manifested kryptonite: the negative.

Our mind set is a valuable asset, the only thing that sets us up for life, sets us off for the day ahead. But, when faced with it’s kryptonite, it has the potential to kill off vital brain synapses.

No one human can deny ever not experiencing the feeling of self-defeat. Yet, we are the ones who allow ourselves to spiral into this downfall. Whether this has been influenced by external or internal factors, we are the ones who have the self-control and power to either pursue… or dwell in our mind.

This may seem simple, but to have absolute self-discipline and control over these thousands of daily thoughts seems impossible. As in life, many things are easier said than done, but without action, there will be no satisfaction. This is mind set. Set your mind and tell yourself ‘I’m possible!’ because each and every one of us deserves to be happy.

Set mind. This is the habit of happiness 🙂

Thank you for your time and reading this. I would love to hear any personal stories anyone would like to share relating to setting their own mind.

For more mental motivation, I stumbled across a short TedTalk lecture that gave me inspiration for this blog.  If you’ll like more information on emotional first aid, this link below will definitely help you, thanks to Guy Winch.



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